Hi, I'm Baruch Pi.

A German product designer based in NYC.

I'm working on the product experience at Perlego and I like to explore visual ideas for our digital tomorrow.

I live in Brooklyn, NYC and work at the intersection of UX, UI, and motion design to improve how people access information.

When I was young, I was fascinated by brochures, flyers, and magazine layouts. I would remix them into my own zines using a neighbour’s typewriter and cut-out imagery. As I got older, I shifted this passion into the digital space by creating blogs and designing my own MySpace profiles. Throughout my teens and 20s, my passion for web and graphic design led to various freelance and personal projects. By the late 2010s, I specialised and began working as a full-time UX designer.
This journey provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in multiple cultures and connect with incredible individuals in cities such as Berlin, Amsterdam, London, and New York City. It also allowed me to develop and hone useful skills such as user research, motion and 3D design, which became essential for my daily work.

When I'm not solving user experience design challenges, I enjoy exploring visual concepts for our digital future that might find their way into my professional work someday.



I started building simple websites and customising blog layouts in HTML and CSS.



I became interested in creating graphics in Photoshop and Illustrator for school and website projects, as well as T-shirt designs. This interest later developed into learning the underlying principles of graphic design.



Word of mouth turned my passion for web design into a freelance business and set the groundwork for working at the intersection of business and design.



I transitioned from designing solely for the web to also designing for iOS and Android apps, and I began integrating user research into my design process.


& 3D Design

I started incorporating motion and 3D into my workflow to create engaging and immersive experiences that are enjoyable to use.

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